Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Max Factor miracle touch cream-y blush + FOTD

I have to stop doing obnoxiously long intros!! so let just go and see the pictures and talk in between..! :D

The only cream blushes i own!
for reference! :)
I've be DYING to get my hands on cream blush for quite sometime now.. and i really never considered Maxfactor.. cause i never really bought anything from them before(:P) and honestly, the pan is too small.
but as you can see.. i id go ahead and buy it eventually.. cause i couldn't bear to go through the winters without a cream blush! i was craving that glow that my dry skin in super-dry Hyderabad climate lacked completely!
A very pretty doll pink colour.. I lovee it.. this was my first buy from Maxfactor ever! (stole from Deb)
Bright red in the pan, this blush is the colour of my natural blush on my cheeks. :) (stole from Rads)

i love love love how this looks!
Okay so the blended version is brighter compared to my face cause it showed up brighter on my hand and I used more on my hand..
 I applied this using my fingers.. (i sanitized continuously, Rati!)

anyway lets see the good and bad of Maxfactor miracle touch creamy blush

The Good:
  • This brings out a glow to my otherwise de-hydrated/ dry skin. loving the winters more!:)
  • It is not too sticky.. (i haven't used any other cream blushes.. but i am guessing).
  • 4/5 shades to choose from.. (well.. every brand that makes cream blushes would have 4/5 shades.. i'm guessing again.. :)
The Bad:
  • Too small a pan.
  • Dont think i can use it during summers.
  • Vanishes from my face! doesn't last even 2/3 hours! like seriously?!
  • Rs 560. please give me a bigger pan.
  • Packaging. but how else are you going to do this. but then.. i did get used/touched pans and i had to return them in shoppers stop and health and glow! but thats another story..
  • Tests its products on animals. i hate this. i honestly dint know this when i was getting this.. but now that I do.. i dont think i would get any more from MaxFactor.
  • I mean, i am off Maybelline and L'oreal.. i am just new to MaxFactor.. Guys you are making awesome products! just stop doing it cruelly! you will find more loyalists! oh but while i was getting these.. i got more stuff from MaxFactor.. i will talk about it in my next post.. :)
I love these right now.. may be because i dint use other cream blushes.. i dont know.. but right now.. i am wearing this all the time! 


  1. I don't know if I will even post a review of this :| Where's Zorro? Why no Zorro now? I think he absolutely hates your blog anyway...Zorro can I have you on my blog, please...:D :D :D I louuu you :D

    Ikky - Please, could you post a passport photo so I know what you ACTUALLY look like! You look different different in different different photos...how is that even possible????? I am sure you are chorifying from the internet and putting pics of pretty girls here...hehehee..

  2. Do you get truckloads of spam every day? Please take off the stupid word verification step..people leave "poop" and "susssuuuuu" on my blog and it doesn't go to spam...and I never get any spam anyway...err..what was I saying..ya take off the word thing..I cannnot type so much!

  3. Why do you use your fingers? You don't have a stippling brush...to whirrrrrlllll? Whiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllll

  4. hehehehehehehe Zorrrooo is sleeping! that happened because of you! you are the only person who reads my blog:P and the only one who talks to me!:P so i was busy talking to you Ras and Zorro slept!:P hmmmmmmph!:P

  5. I liked soft pink with flash..and yaa..see it looks like face oily kinds na in some lights..that's what I was asking Rati and she told me to use a powder..:|

  6. horrrriblllleee person you are! no i dont have a whirling stippling brush! send me your skunk please?

  7. oh i like face looking oily. :P like doesnt look too oily in person.. i guess i put too much here! anywas the sa did say this will give you "glossey effect" and a girl came looking for "cheek gloss" and the SA gave her this!:P

  8. I will send you a skunk :D You whirrrrrrl the skunk near Zorro...:D :D

  9. i will stipple the skink. thankyouverymuch!:P :D cheek gloss! yeah! and he was verryyyoily skinned abd hah pus -ey pimples! i unno why she wanted it?!

  10. Pus-ey pimples...HAAAAAAaa..okay..not funny..hehheeeee.. Have you used the foundation in these pics? And when are you taking off the stupid word verification..it's a painnnnnnnnnnnn

  11. What's the squiggly green worm in the blush pan?? :P :P

  12. IKKI.... lovely post yaa. loved the shades. and u look different in all ur pics :O
    Rads.... lol..

  13. Hey Ikya...

    Long time...you look pretty dear. And hows the li'l naught boy doing? no latest photo sessions??

    hey..btw..your skin looks gorgoeus..

  14. @ Rads- i am wearing foundation on the green side. then i remembered that i wanted to wear the *new foundation i got free* *preeeeeennn* on the other side, and i forgot!:P oh and the sqiggly green thing eh? i'll tell you on your blog when i throw it at you!!!!!!!!:D:D

    @ Beeeee!!!! :D:D thank you thank you! and both sides of my face are very different!:P i dunno how to put it! hehe.. like i have the worst case of the asymmetrical face! and Rads doesn't me live with it!:(:P

    @ Poornima!!!!!!!!! :D:D how are you?? been very long i know!! :( howw is Arjun?? :D:D and the naughty li'l boy is doing fine! i shall take pictures soon .. actually.. he is sleeping by the time i do a post.. so no pictures.. will do a photo session soon!:D and THANK YOU! :D:*:*

  15. I'm fine :-) Arjun is good too...will wait for Zorro boy's pics.

  16. OMG ogreee...you look so prettyy.. geeeee :P :P

  17. I also want the tomato blush now....:D :D

  18. :D:D i louuuu tomato blush!:P actually theres another one that i want..but i guess i'll just wait for my credit card! but OMG Ratidoo.. i am getting hooked on to this blush stuff! i just lovvvvveeee putting it on!:D and danku!:P

  19. okay Poornima! :D will do soon!! >:D<

  20. :*:*:* okay *ping-pong* *ping-pong*

  21. soft pink looks nice..n u look soo cutee ikky..
    i agree 560 for that small pan !! i wanna try NYX cream blushes..

  22. hehehe thanku Bhumika! i want nyx too! send me your credit card!:P:D

  23. Ikku, steal everything from me u look preeettttyyyyyyyy laduuu take care and be nice =P

  24. Debbuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D i miss you sssssooo much!!!Merry Christmas!!!

  25. hahahaaaa.....the skunk bit cracked me up!!! hahahaaa

    i want this too!

    i never reach pan - the size would be great for me

    im loving it

  26. Vinita, I went through m,y post thrice to get the skunk part... then i read my comments!:P

    i want a nice mac blush this winter.. but no cream blushes otherwise.. its too hot. :| :D thanks for dropping by!:)


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