Saturday, August 27, 2011


Yes I would, thank you. Said my system in response to what my mum asked! But I [Insert proud smiley] knew better than that and I went with No, thank you mumma.

What did I do to get rid of the craving, you ask? I did THIS.

Did it work?! Ofcourse! Coffee smells so great. That alone can pick me up. :D Nawwww, but it really did work.
This is what I did-
I mixed half a spoon full of sugar, half of instant coffee some honey and a few drops of milk. I massaged it into my face till the coffee disappeared. I aimed for sugar, but, well I realised that would take long!:|
Massage it till it becomes creamy. Just for fun!:P
I needed to moisturize after. You might not if you have oily skin.


  1. u r allowed to slack....everythigs faur in love and errr war!!:P:P

  2. shirtless 17 year old neighbour, a guy cooking for u. WOW i think we need to change lives :D

  3. Shivani, haha thank youuu!:P
    I shall slack guilt free now!:D

    Classy, This life ends tomorrow. U still want with ONLY the shirtless 17 year old one!?:P

  4. awww..he cooked for u...trekking n movies..soo cutee..:))

  5. hey we all do slack and procrastinate. :p Dont worry. But how did this facial work :P?

  6. :P NAughty Ikku :D HAve fun :) :* Slacking is permitted if ur excuse is "BEING IN LOVE" :P

  7. Bhumika, lol yes he cooked. I watched tv!:P

    Nivedita, It did brighten up my face and made it a little firmer. :)

    Shweta, awww so sweet.. But I'll decide on the "love" part in sometime!:P

  8. hahhaa.. I like ur coffee scrub idea :)

  9. Ikku you live such a cute life :) I'll try this. I'll tell you how my day was. I got up at 4:30 to take a 7 AM flight and the guy next to me stank. Majorly. To add insult to the injury, his fat body took about 1/4 of my seat. Not cute :(

  10. Rekha, Thank you :D It's brilliant! It actually worked a little on acne marks :)

    Shivani, :D awww noooo! This was just ONE week!:P Oohh try this! is really nice!:D OMG That's really sad! one guy I sat next to had toe-jam and sat with his shoes off the whole time!:P But it affected EVERYONE on the flight!:P

  11. BUT, I took really DIVINE pictures of the Pacific Ocean from my plane window. Really beautiful. It was a cloudy day though, one time I saw the reflection of clouds in the ocean, but I didnt have the camera then. :/

  12. ZOMG!!!! NOOO!!! That sounds awesome!!! :D I want that!!!:| *sulk*

  13. i love coffee scrub too.... :)

  14. anksss!!!!! where have you been?! LOOONNNGGG time!!!

  15. singapore.... :) kuhu's first international trip!!


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